Why don’t you start a process of talking to your cells on a regular basis? Speak to your Higher-Self at the same time, almost as though the two were one. Speak to Innate: I know you’re there!The beauty of this is that Innate is not set apart from Human consciousness. It’s aligned with it. It is the multi-dimensional part of what you already have. Innate is you taking care of you in the best way it can, even if you can’t talk to it. Find a way through intuition to know more about what is going on within you. You’ll get to a place, dear ones, where talking to Innate is going to be second nature. It’s all done through that part of you which is intuitive, and you can do it every moment of every day. That is when you get peace. That is when you start to fall in love with yourself. It’s beautiful, possible, and doable. As you walk the planet, the plants will know—the animals will know. They are all hooked into it. Beautiful it is. ~ KRYON through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel Opmerkingen zijn gesloten.
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