You Are Dearly Loved
Greetings, Many of you are asking, “What does Kryon say?” about things that are happening now, especially the incredible turn of events that are unfolding on a daily basis in the Ukraine. First of all, my heart goes out to the citizens of that beautiful country. Some years ago I sat having coffee not too far from where the explosions of war, and the loss of life are currently taking place. I remember it well: It was a wonderful sunny weekend in Kiev, where the celebration was all about an independence from the former Soviets. Now it seems they are again in turmoil. I have great sadness for those sweet people. I met many of them. Kryon has told us over and over: “Two steps forward – One step back.” This was all part of what I expected in some way from a very old energy that is actually afraid of light. Kryon has also told us to look for this: When the light starts to show itself on the planet, the old guard will raise up and try to beat it down. You might say it’s right on time. No matter what the justifications are from the aggressor, it’s back to the old style of the former ‘conquering nations’ that our grandparents and great grandparents experienced: “If I can plant my flag on your soil, I will own your land.” Don’t you find the timing interesting for all this? It’s like there is an emergency to the aggressor, and it had to be done NOW. Otherwise, there could be more light from those on the planet who might stop it with the amazing amount of new consciousness starting to build. The leadership is from a very old guard, and represents an old time on our planet. Do you recognize it? Meanwhile the press is rubbing its hands together and rolling out all the horrific “what-if’s” that might occur, as though they were actually happening now. The media is great at frightening the population, and working them into a frenzy of “staying tuned 24 hours a day.” Watch for even more commercials during this time to take full advantage of the fear-based viewership. It’s a fear machine and it features celebrity entertainers, not journalists. Perhaps you noticed or even wondered how it is that so many journalists could look so perfect? GET YOUR NEWS ON THE INTERNET SERVICE OF YOUR CHOICE - AND READ IT! USE YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT. Kryon’s information about a bright future ahead remains intact. Nothing has changed in this message. Kryon’s timing is about groups of years and cycles, not this month or this year. His advice is the same: HOLD THE LIGHT and don’t let others frighten you. SEND LIGHT to those who need it, giving compassionate action to the field of the planet. When you turn on the light, the darkness shows. Seen any? What used to happen regularly 80 years ago is inhumane and unconscionable today. A peaceful and beautiful Earth will recover from this. It’s a time that Kryon spoke of, and told you about. THE CHOICE You can be frightened or you stand strong and send the light. Your choice. But make no mistake; This is exactly the kind of thing Kryon spoke of that OLD SOULS are needed for right now. We are not helpless. We are Lightworkers, and bringers of light to a darkness that really wants to stay here. The dark-light fight is here. Give it time. Darkness doesn’t have a chance. Opmerkingen zijn gesloten.
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